Welcome to Kindergarten!

Our Kindergarten story line is “Be Kind Like Jesus”, which comes from Ephesians 4:32:

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.” 

It is our prayer that everyone in our classroom will show kindness to each other as well as experience kindness in everything we say and do. It is our deep hope that our desire to “be kind” is an outpouring of having experienced God’s faithful love for us.



My name is Stephanie Ruby and I am the KA Kindergarten teacher! I am very excited about being part of the staff team at Calvin. My husband and I have 3 young teenage boys, and a golden retriever named River. I love being active and outdoors with my family. Being outside always makes me feel refreshed and renewed and helps me slow down in life. I love music and that's been a big part of my life and how I worship and feel God. I love the energy of Kindergarten students and their zest for life.  I look forward to the year ahead sharing Christ with the Kindergarteners and helping them grow in their faith!


My name is Linda Boschmann and I teach the KB Kindergarten class. I have three wonderful boys and a very supportive husband. I have actually been a student at Calvin, a teacher at Calvin and a parent at Calvin. I am so excited to work with both you and your children. It is such a blessing to help your children learn about God's world and to watch them grow into the people God has created them to be.